The attached patches are needed to cross-compile with GHC for QNXNTO (the BlackBerry 10 Operating System). They have been tested for the x86 and ARM targets both. One more patch to the LLVM driver will be required to get ARM to go with the LLVM in the Ubuntu repos, but otherwise this should be all of the patches required to GHC core required (as you can see by my other mailing list posts, there will also be a few library patches).

The cross-compiling toolchain for this platform can be obtained from <> and then GHC can be built with:

# Create a that uses INTEGER_LIBRARY=integer-simple
perl boot
./configure --target=i486-pc-nto-qnx8.0.0 --build=i686-linux-gnu 

replace i486-pc-nto-qnx8.0.0 with arm-unknown-nto-qnx8.0.0eabi to target ARM.

Stephen Paul Weber, @singpolyma
See <> for how I prefer to be contacted
edition right joseph

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