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On branch  : master


commit 9f9d5dfc143803364f8a7853ec77d6677abc1b21
Author: Ian Lynagh <>
Date:   Wed Dec 12 01:40:45 2012 +0000



 spectral/mandel/Main.lhs |   26 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spectral/mandel/Main.lhs b/spectral/mandel/Main.lhs
index 5783a81..b0e5496 100644
--- a/spectral/mandel/Main.lhs
+++ b/spectral/mandel/Main.lhs
@@ -5,25 +5,25 @@ import Mandel
 import PortablePixmap
 import System.IO
-main =         getContents >>=                                 \ userInput     
-               readNum "Enter min x  = " (lines userInput) $   \ minx input    
-               readNum "Enter min y  = " input $               \ miny input    
-               readNum "Enter max x  = " input $               \ maxx input    
-               readNum "Enter max y  = " input $               \ maxy input    
-               readNum "Screen width = " input $               \ screenX input 
-               readNum "Screen height= " input $               \ screenY input 
-               readNum "Screen depth = " input $               \ limit _       
-       putStr (show (mandelset minx miny maxx maxy screenX screenY limit))
+main =  getContents >>=                                 \ userInput      ->
+        readNum "Enter min x  = " (lines userInput) $   \ minx input     ->
+        readNum "Enter min y  = " input $               \ miny input     ->
+        readNum "Enter max x  = " input $               \ maxx input     ->
+        readNum "Enter max y  = " input $               \ maxy input     ->
+        readNum "Screen width = " input $               \ screenX input  ->
+        readNum "Screen height= " input $               \ screenY input  ->
+        readNum "Screen depth = " input $               \ limit _        ->
+        putStr (show (mandelset minx miny maxx maxy screenX screenY limit))
 readNum::(Num a, Read a) => String -> [String] -> (a->[String]->IO ()) -> IO ()
 readNum prompt inputLines succ
    = hPutStr stderr prompt >>
      case inputLines of
        (x:xs) -> case (reads x) of
-                  [(y,"")] -> succ y xs
-                  _        -> hPutStr stderr "Error - retype the number\n" >>
-                              readNum prompt xs succ
-       _       -> hPutStr stderr "Early EOF"
+                   [(y,"")] -> succ y xs
+                   _        -> hPutStr stderr "Error - retype the number\n" >>
+                               readNum prompt xs succ
+       _        -> hPutStr stderr "Early EOF"
 Enter min x  = -1.5

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