David Terei <davidte...@gmail.com>:
> So I had a go at updating the wiki page to reflect ownership / tsar
> status / maintainers.
> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Contributors
> This page will probably need to change when reach a conclusion of how
> we want to frame this responsibility (i.e., owners, maintainers,
> tsars).
> The list of people is very light right now as I only put down people
> who had said they would take ownership of a task. (although I did make
> assumptions for Ian, Simon PJ & Simon M).

I edited it a bit. Weren't there some people who volunteered as performance 

I still think the directory to maintainer mapping makes no sense.


> On 9 December 2012 16:53, Ben Lippmeier <b...@ouroborus.net> wrote:
>> On 09/12/2012, at 10:53 PM, Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:
>>> Ian Lynagh <i...@well-typed.com>:
>>>> On Thu, Dec 06, 2012 at 12:32:05PM +0000, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
>>>>> (Narrowing to cvs-ghc for now.)
>>>>> Speaking for myself, I would welcome a code-ownership model along the 
>>>>> lines that Ben suggests. If it works well it would
>>>>> a) spread the load
>>>>> b) broaden a genuine sense of ownership
>>>>> c) because of (a) and (b), perhaps encourage more people to participate
>>>>> What do others think?
>>>> "owner" is a very strong word: I think other projects have had problems
>>>> where e.g. owners have found themselves without time to deal with
>>>> patches submitted, but have been unwilling to let anyone else touch
>>>> "their" code.
>>>> Perhaps we could have "maintainers" instead?
>>> I agree with Ian here.
>>> Code ownership is not necessarily a Good Thing. In fact, it is often 
>>> discouraged in modern approaches to software engineering. Why? Because it 
>>> creates a barrier for the non-owners to contribute to a code base, 
>>> especially if we would start to introduce procedures such as an obligation 
>>> for the owner to review all patches to *their* code base.
>> I agree that having a "Ownership" model may increase the barrier to new 
>> contributors submitting drive-by patches, but at the same time it reduces 
>> the barrier to the owner performing more wide ranging changes and 
>> refactorings.
>> If I'm a drive-by contributor or assigned maintainer, then I'm probably not 
>> going to spend a week of my own time refactoring, documenting, and cleaning 
>> up all the native code generators, because it's not my project. However, if 
>> I were to make a conscious decision to assume responsibility for that code 
>> for (say) a year, I'd go though and clean it all up. Maintenance is largely 
>> a thankless task because it doesn't lead to a sexy feature or support for a 
>> new platform. It does improve the overall health of the project, though. 
>> Having successive people assume ownership, and then going though and 
>> auditing all the code would be even better.
>>> This is particularly awkward in an open source project. If somebody is busy 
>>> (or on holidays) for a month, nobody can push patches that touch that code.
>> I don't think going to an Ownership model need prevent people with accounts 
>> on d.h.o continuing to change whatever code they need to. If I were to 
>> assume responsibility for some code I'm not going to require Simon(s) or 
>> Johan to submit patches to me for review. It's true that some contributed 
>> patches may languish on the trac for a few weeks, but that happens anyway.
>>> I like the "Tsar" idea that SPJ started with the Performance Tsar(s). 
>>> Instead of assigning ownership of code (like in a land grab), let's define 
>>> areas of responsibility. Many of these responsibilities (like performance) 
>>> will touch on a cross section of the code base.
>> My worry is that having a responsibility without a corresponding asset feels 
>> more like a job than a fun thing to do. The "asset" here is more of an 
>> emotional construct than a physical one -- a sense of "this is mine to look 
>> after".
>> Code maintenance isn't fun, and given the choice I'd prefer to work on my 
>> own projects than documenting someone else's code. If you say "you can be 
>> responsible for the performance of GHC" that's a fairly nebulous concept, 
>> but if you say "this code is yours for a year, look after it", then it gives 
>> the owner some immediate, well defined, concrete goals.
>> It's the tragedy of the commons. Without a sense of ownership, people won't 
>> take real responsibility.
>> Ben.
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