On 13/12/12 12:13, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
| > We had all these version-skew problems between MSYS and our build
| > system, which we beautifully resolved by including a tar-ball of
| > guaranteed-compatible msys binaries in the GHC source repo (and GHC
| > distributions).  The C compiler is there, the linker.  Why not
| > autoreconf??
| All the build tools are installed separately, we only have the compiler
| tools in the repository.

What "build tools" do you have in mind?  Apart from 'autoreconf'?

For example, the in-tree tarball (unpacked to inplace/mingw/bin) includes

What build tools do you expect to use from the user's mingw installation?  What 
is the downside of including all stuff that suffers version skew (of which 
autoreconf is an example), thus removing a road-block?  For example, maybe 
cygwin's autoreconf behaves slightly differently.

So the reason things are done this way is that you can choose your build environment between MSYS or Cygwin, but regardless which one of those you choose we always need the MinGW compiler tools, so we have tarballs of those in the tree. Historically there were lots of problems with the build system picking up the wrong bits of MinGW from various places, so having fixed versions in the tree solves all that.

The tools that come from MSYS or Cygwin include make, autoconf, and of course the shell and all the shell tools. It might be possible to put some of these as tarballs in the tree, and maybe that would be a good idea, though we would have to be careful about mixing Cygwin and MSYS tools since they use different pathname conventions. Maybe you want to grab a complete MSYS and put it all in the tree, and forget about Cygwin. That's a possibility, though I think we hang onto Cygwin because MSYS can't build the docs properly (I don't remember the details of this).

It is definitely a version problem you have? I don't remember having any version difficulties with autoconf for quite a while, since around version 2.5.


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