cvsuser     02/08/01 20:25:37

  Modified:    .        jit.c
               jit/sun4 jit_emit.h
  Added:       jit/arm  core.jit jit_emit.h
  Here goes. This *isn't* functional - it's the least amount of work I could
  get away with (before midnight) that gets the inner loop of mops.pasm JITted.
  Courtesy of: Nicholas Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.21      +67 -1     parrot/jit.c
  Index: jit.c
  RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/jit.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.20
  retrieving revision 1.21
  diff -u -w -r1.20 -r1.21
  --- jit.c     23 Jul 2002 02:09:27 -0000      1.20
  +++ jit.c     2 Aug 2002 03:24:02 -0000       1.21
  @@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
   ** jit.c
  -** $Id: jit.c,v 1.20 2002/07/23 02:09:27 josh Exp $
  +** $Id: jit.c,v 1.21 2002/08/02 03:24:02 grunblatt Exp $
   #include <parrot/parrot.h>
   #include "parrot/jit.h"
  +#ifdef ARM
  +#ifdef __linux
  +#include <asm/unistd.h>
   ** optimize_jit()
   ** XXX Don't pay much attention to this yet.
  @@ -128,6 +134,63 @@
       return optimizer;
  +#ifdef ARM
  +static void
  +arm_sync_d_i_cache (void *start, void *end) {
  +/* Strictly this is only needed for StrongARM and later (not sure about ARM8)
  +   because earlier cores don't have separate D and I caches.
  +   However there aren't that many ARM7 or earlier devices around that we'll be
  +   running on.  */
  +#ifdef __linux
  +#ifdef __GNUC__
  +    int result;
  +    /* swi call based on code snippet from Russell King.  Description
  +       verbatim:  */
  +    /*
  +     * Flush a region from virtual address 'r0' to virtual address 'r1'
  +     * _inclusive_.  There is no alignment requirement on either address;   
  +     * user space does not need to know the hardware cache layout.
  +     *
  +     * r2 contains flags.  It should ALWAYS be passed as ZERO until it
  +     * is defined to be something else.  For now we ignore it, but may
  +     * the fires of hell burn in your belly if you break this rule. ;)
  +     *
  +     * (at a later date, we may want to allow this call to not flush
  +     * various aspects of the cache.  Passing '0' will guarantee that
  +     * everything necessary gets flushed to maintain consistency in
  +     * the specified region).
  +     */
  +    /* The value of the SWI is actually available by in
  +       __ARM_NR_cacheflush defined in <asm/unistd.h>, but quite how to
  +       get that to interpolate as a number into the ASM string is beyond
  +       me.  */
  +    /* I'm actually passing in exclusive end address, so subtract 1 from
  +       it inside the assembler.  */
  +    __asm__ __volatile__ (
  +        "mov     r0, %1\n"
  +        "sub     r1, %2, #1\n"
  +        "mov     r2, #0\n"
  +        "swi     " __sys1(__ARM_NR_cacheflush) "\n"
  +        "mov     %0, r0\n"
  +        : "=r" (result)
  +        : "r" ((long)start), "r" ((long)end)
  +        : "r0","r1","r2");
  +    if (result < 0) {
  +        internal_exception(JIT_ERROR,
  +                           "Synchronising I and D caches failed with errno=%d\n",
  +                           -result);
  +    }
  +#error "ARM needs to sync D and I caches, and I don't know how to embed assmbler on 
this C compiler"
  +/* Not strictly true - on RISC OS it's OS_SynchroniseCodeAreas  */
  +#error "ARM needs to sync D and I caches, and I don't know how to on this OS"
   ** build_asm()
  @@ -214,6 +277,9 @@
  +#ifdef ARM
  +    arm_sync_d_i_cache (jit_info.arena_start, jit_info.native_ptr);
       return (jit_f)jit_info.arena_start;
  1.5       +3 -0      parrot/config/auto/
  RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/config/auto/,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -w -r1.4 -r1.5
  ---    30 Jul 2002 17:04:33 -0000      1.4
  +++    2 Aug 2002 03:24:34 -0000       1.5
  @@ -42,11 +42,14 @@
       $cpuarch = 'i386';
  +  $cpuarch               =~ s/armv[34]l?/arm/i;
       archname    => $archname,
       cpuarch     => $cpuarch,
       osname      => $osname,
     $cpuarch                     =~ s/i[456]86/i386/i;
     my $jitarchname              =  "$cpuarch-$osname";
  1.1                  parrot/jit/arm/core.jit
  Index: core.jit
  ; arm/core.jit
  ; $Id: core.jit,v 1.1 2002/08/02 03:25:05 grunblatt Exp $
  Parrot_noop {
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_nop(jit_info->native_ptr);
  ; ldmea       fp, {r4, r5, r6, r7, fp, sp, pc
  ; but K bug Grr if I load pc direct.
  Parrot_end {
   #ifndef ARM_K_BUG
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_ldmstm (jit_info->native_ptr,
                                          cond_AL, is_load, dir_EA, no_writeback,
                                          reg2mask(4) | reg2mask(REG11_fp)
                                          | reg2mask(REG13_sp)
                                          | reg2mask(REG15_pc));
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_ldmstm (jit_info->native_ptr,
                                          cond_AL, is_load, dir_EA, no_writeback,
                                          reg2mask(4) | reg2mask(REG11_fp)
                                          | reg2mask(REG13_sp)
                                          | reg2mask(REG14_lr));
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_mov(jit_info->native_ptr, REG15_pc, REG14_lr);
  ; This shows why it would be nice in the future to have a way to have ops
  ;  broken into 1 to 3 of:
  ; -1) get values from parrot registers into CPU registers
  ;  0) do stuff
  ; +1) write values back to parrot registers
  ; that way, a JIT optimiser could punt -1 and +1 outside loops leaving
  ; intermediate values in CPU registers. It could collate -1 and +1 [leaving
  ; nothing :-)] and choose how to maximise use of as many real CPU registers as
  ; possible.
  Parrot_set_i_i {
      Parrot_jit_int_load(jit_info, interpreter, 2, r0);
      Parrot_jit_int_store(jit_info, interpreter, 1, r0);
  Parrot_add_i_i_i {
      Parrot_jit_int_load(jit_info, interpreter, 2, r0);
      Parrot_jit_int_load(jit_info, interpreter, 3, r1);
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_arith_reg (jit_info->native_ptr, cond_AL,
                                                   ADD, 0, r2, r0, r1);
      Parrot_jit_int_store(jit_info, interpreter, 1, r2);
  Parrot_sub_i_i_i {
      Parrot_jit_int_load(jit_info, interpreter, 2, r0);
      Parrot_jit_int_load(jit_info, interpreter, 3, r1);
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_arith_reg (jit_info->native_ptr, cond_AL,
                                                   SUB, 0, r2, r0, r1);
      Parrot_jit_int_store(jit_info, interpreter, 1, r2);
  Parrot_if_i_ic {
      Parrot_jit_int_load(jit_info, interpreter, 1, r0);
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_arith_immediate (jit_info->native_ptr, cond_AL,
                                                   CMP, 0, 0, r0, 0, 0);
      emit_jump_to_op (jit_info, cond_NE, 0, *INT_CONST[2]);
  1.1                  parrot/jit/arm/jit_emit.h
  Index: jit_emit.h
   * jit_emit.h
   * ARM (I think this is all ARM2 or later, although it is APCS-32)
   * $Id: jit_emit.h,v 1.1 2002/08/02 03:25:05 grunblatt Exp $
  /*  Registers
   *  r0  Argument/result/scratch register 0.
   *  r1  Argument/result/scratch register 1.
   *  r2  Argument/result/scratch register 2.
   *  r3  Argument/result/scratch register 3.
   *  r4  Variable register 1.
   *  r5  Variable register 2.
   *  r6  Variable register 3.
   *  r7  Variable register 4.
   *  r8  Variable register 5.
   *  r9  ARM State variable register 6. Static Base in PID, re-entrant
   *      shared-library variants.
   *  r10 ARM State variable register 7. Stack limit pointer in stack-checked 
   *      variants.
   *  r11 ARM State variable register 8. ARM state frame pointer.
   *  r12 The Intra-Procedure call scratch register.
   *  r13 The Stack Pointer.
   *  r14 The Link Register.
   *  r15 The Program Counter.
   * r0-r3 are used to pass in first 4 arguments, and are not preserved by a
   * function. Results (that would fit) are returned in r0
   * Other registers are preserved across calls, although (by implication) r14
   * and r15 are used by the call process. I don't think that it is mandated
   * that r14 on return must hold the link address.
   * r12 (ip) is only used on subroutine entry for stack frame calculations -
   * after then it is a useful scratch register. If you push r14 you get
   * another scratch register quickly.
   * Most things nowadays are StrongARM or later. StrongARM is v4 of the
   * architecture. ARM6 and ARM7 cores are v3, which introduced the 32 bit
   * address bus. Earlier cores (which you won't encounter) used a 26 bit address
   * bus, with program counter and status register combined in r15
  typedef enum {
      REG10_sl = 10, REG11_fp = 11,
      REG12_ip = 12,
      REG13_sp = 13,
      REG14_lr = 14,
      REG15_pc = 15
  } arm_register_t;
  typedef enum {
      cond_EQ = 0x00,
      cond_NE = 0x10,
      cond_CS = 0x20,
      cond_CC = 0x30,
      cond_MI = 0x40,
      cond_PL = 0x50,
      cond_VS = 0x60,
      cond_VC = 0x70,
      cond_HI = 0x80,
      cond_LS = 0x90,
      cond_GE = 0xA0,
      cond_LT = 0xB0,
      cond_GT = 0xC0,
      cond_LE = 0xD0,
      cond_AL = 0xE0,
  /*    cond_NV = 0xF0, */
      /* synonyms for CS and CC:  */
      cond_HS = 0x20,
      cond_LO = 0x30
  } arm_cond_t;
  /* I've deliberately shifted these right by 1 bit so that I can forcibly
     set the status flag on ops such as CMP. It's easy to forget (the assembler
     doesn't mandate you explicitly write CMPS, it just sets the bit for you).
     I got an illegal instruction trap on a StrongARM for a CMP without S, but
     I think some of the other comparison operators have legal weird effects
     with no S flag.  */
  typedef enum {
      AND = 0x00,
      EOR = 0x02,
      SUB = 0x04,  /* Subtract         rd = rn - op2   */
      RSB = 0x06,  /* Reverse SUbtract rd = op2 - rn  ; op2 is more flexible.   */
      ADD = 0x08,
      ADC = 0x0A,  /* ADd with Carry.  */
      SBC = 0x0C,  /* SuBtract with Carry.  */
      RSC = 0x0E,  /* Reverse Subtract with Carry.  */
      TST = 0x11,  /* TeST                  rn AND op2    (sets flags).  */
      TEQ = 0x13,  /* Test EQuivalence      rn XOR op2    (won't set V flag). */
      CMP = 0x15,  /* CoMPare             rn  -  op2    */
      CMN = 0x17,  /* CoMpare Negated       rn  +  op2    */
      ORR = 0x18,
      MOV = 0x1A,  /* MOVe                  rd =   op2 */
      BIC = 0x1C,  /* BIt Clear             rd = rn AND NOT op2 */
      MVN = 0x1E   /* MoV Not               rd = NOT op2 */
  } alu_op_t;
  /* note MVN is move    NOT      (ie logical NOT, 1s complement), whereas
          CMN is compare NEGATIVE (ie arithmetic NEGATION, 2s complement)  */
  #define arith_sets_S 0x10
  /* B / BL
   *  +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
   *  | cond | 1 0 1 | L |                signed_immed_24                  |
   *  +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
   *   31  28 27   25 24  23                                              0
   * The L bit
   * If L == 1 the instruction will store a return address in the link
   * register (R14). Otherwise L == 0, the instruction will simply branch without
   * storing a return address.
   * The target address
   * Specifies the address to branch to. The branch target address is calculated
   * by:
   *  - Sign-extending the 24-bit signed (two's complement) immediate to 32 bits.
   *  - Shifting the result left two bits.
   *  - Adding this to the contents of the PC, which contains the address of the
   *    branch instruction plus 8.
   * The instruction can therefore specify a branch of approximately ±32MB.
   * [Not the full 32 bit address range of the v3 and later cores.]
  /* IIRC bx is branch into thumb mode, so don't name this back to bx  */
  char *emit_branch(char *pc,
                    arm_cond_t cond,
                    int L,
                    int imm) {
      *(pc++) = imm;
      *(pc++) = ((imm) >> 8);
      *(pc++) = ((imm) >> 16);
      *(pc++) = cond | 0xA | L;
      return pc;
  #define emit_b(pc, cond, imm) \
    emit_branch(pc, cond, 0, imm)
  #define emit_bl(pc, cond, imm) \
    emit_branch(pc, cond, 1, imm)
  #define reg2mask(reg) (1<<(reg))
  typedef enum {
      is_store      = 0x00,
      is_load       = 0x10,
      is_writeback  = 0x20,
      no_writeback  = 0,
      is_caret            = 0x40, /* assembler syntax is ^ - load sets status flags in
                               USR mode, or load/store use user bank registers
                               in other mode. IIRC.  */
      no_caret      = 0,
      is_byte     = 0x40,
      no_byte     = 0,    /* It's a B suffix for a byte load, no suffix for
                               word load, so this is more natural than is_word  */
      is_pre      = 0x01, /* pre index addressing.  */
      is_post       = 0x00  /* post indexed addressing. ie arithmetic for free  */
  } transfer_flags;
  /* multiple register transfer direction.
     D = decrease, I = increase
     A = after, B = before
     or the stack notation
     FD = full descending (the usual)
     ED = empty descending
     FA = full ascending
     FD = full descending
     values for stack notation are 0x10 | (ldm type) << 2 | (stm type)
  typedef enum {
      dir_DA = 0,
      dir_IA = 1,
      dir_DB = 2,
      dir_IB = 3,
      dir_FD = 0x10 | (1 << 2) | 2,
      dir_FA = 0x10 | (0 << 2) | 3,
      dir_ED = 0x10 | (3 << 2) | 0,
      dir_EA = 0x10 | (2 << 2) | 1
  } ldm_stm_dir_t;
  typedef enum {
      dir_Up = 0x80,
      dir_Down = 0x00
  } ldr_str_dir_t;
  char *
  emit_ldmstm_x(char *pc,
               arm_cond_t cond,
               int l_s,
               ldm_stm_dir_t direction,
               int caret,
               int writeback,
               int base,
               int regmask) {
      if ((l_s == is_load) && (direction & 0x10))
          direction >>= 2;
      *(pc++) = regmask;
      *(pc++) = regmask >> 8;
      /* bottom bit of direction is the up/down flag.  */
      *(pc++) = ((direction & 1) << 7) | caret | writeback | l_s | base;
      /* binary 100x is code for stm/ldm.  */
      /* Top bit of direction is pre/post increment flag.  */
      *(pc++) = cond | 0x8 | ((direction >> 1) & 1);
      return pc;
  /* Is is going to be rare to non existent that anyone needs to use the ^
     syntax on LDM or STM, so make it easy to generate the normal form:  */
  #define emit_ldmstm(pc, cond, l_s, direction, writeback, base, regmask) \
        emit_ldmstm_x(pc, cond, l_s, direction, 0, writeback, base, regmask)
  /* Load / Store
   *  +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
   *  | cond | 0 1 | I | P | U | B | W | L |  Rn  |  Rd  |      offset     |
   *  +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
   *   31  28 27 26 25  24  23  22  21  20  19  16 15  12 11              0
   * The P bit
   * P == 0 indicates the use of post-indexed addressing. The base register value
   *        is used for the memory address, and the offset is then applied to the
   *        base register and written back to the base register.
   * P == 1 indicates the use of offset addressing or pre-indexed addressing (the
   *        W bit determines which). The memory address is generated by applying
   *        the offset to the base register value.
   * The U bit
   * Indicates whether the offset is added to the base (U == 1) or is subtracted
   * from the base (U == 0).
   * The B bit
   * Distinguishes between an unsigned byte (B == 1) and a word (B == 0) access.
   * The W bit
   * P == 0 If W == 0, the instruction is LDR, LDRB, STR or STRB and a normal
   *        memory access is performed. If W == 1, the instruction is LDRBT,
   *        LDRT, STRBT or STRT and an unprivileged (User mode) memory access is
   *        performed.
   * P == 1 If W == 0, the base register is not updated (offset addressing). If
   *        W == 1, the calculated memory address is written back to the base 
   *        register (pre-indexed addressing).
   * The L bit
   * Distinguishes between a Load (L == 1) and a Store (L == 0).
   *  <Rd> is the destination register.
   *  <Rn> is the base register.
   * XXX need to detail addr mode, for I = 0 and I = 1
   * Note that you can take advantage of post indexed addressing to get a free
   * add onto the base register if you need it for some other purpose.
   * Note that on StrongARM [and later? but not XScale :-(] if you don't use Rd
   * next instruction then a load doesn't stall if it is from the cache (ie
   * 1 cycle loads). You will want to re-order things where possible to take
   * advantage of this.
   * ARM1 had register shift register as possibilities for the offset (as the
   * ALU ops still do. These took 1 more cycle, and were taken out as virtually
   * no use was found for them. However, the bit patterns they represent
   * certainly didn't used to fault as an illegal instruction on ARM2s, and
   * probably later. So beware of generating illegal bit pattern offsets, as
   * you'll get silent undefined behaviour.
  char *
  emit_ldrstr(char *pc,
              arm_cond_t cond,
              int l_s,
              ldr_str_dir_t direction,
              int pre,
              int writeback,
              int byte, 
              int dest,
              int base,
              int offset_type,
              unsigned int offset) {
      *(pc++) = offset;
      *(pc++) = ((offset >> 8) & 0xF) | (dest << 4);
      *(pc++) = direction | byte | writeback | l_s | base;
      *(pc++) = cond | 0x4 | offset_type | pre;
      return pc;
  char *
  emit_ldrstr_offset (char *pc,
                      arm_cond_t cond,
                      int l_s,
                      int pre,
                      int writeback,
                      int byte,
                      int dest,
                      int base,
                      int offset) {
      ldr_str_dir_t direction = dir_Up;
      if (offset > 4095 || offset < -4095) {
                             "Unable to generate offset %d, larger than 4095\n",
      if (offset < 0) {
          direction = dir_Down;
          offset = -offset;
      return emit_ldrstr(pc, cond, l_s, direction, pre, writeback, byte, dest,
                         base, 0, offset);
  /* Arithmetic
   *  +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
   *  | cond | 0 0 | I |  ALU  Opcode  | S |  Rn  |  Rd  | shifted operand |
   *  +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
   *   31  28 27 26 25  24  23  22  21  20  19  16 15  12 11              0
   * The S bit
   * Indicates if the CPSR will be updated (S == 1) or not (S == 0).
   * Two types of CPSR updates can occur:
   *  - If <Rd> is not R15, the N and Z flags are set according to the result of
   *    of the addition, and C and V flags are set according to whether the
   *    addition generated a carry (unsigned overflow) and a signed overflow,
   *    respectively. The rest of the CPSR is unchanged.
   * XXX shifted immediate values for the second operand can also set the C
   * flag (and therefore presumably also clear it) when the S flag is set for
   * certain ALU ops. (I think just the logical ops) This is obscure, but
   * sometimes useful. No idea where this is documented.
   *  - If <Rd> is R15, the SPSR of the current mode is copied to the CPSR. This
   *    form of the instruction is UNPREDICTABLE if executed in User mode or
   *    System mode, because these do not have an SPSR.
  typedef enum {
      shift_LSL = 0x00,
      shift_LSR = 0x20,
      shift_ASR = 0x40,
      shift_ROR = 0x60,
      shift_ASL = 0x00  /* Synonym - no sign extension (or not) on <<  */
  } barrel_shift_t;
  /* RRX (rotate right with extend - a 1 position 33 bit rotate including the
     carry flag) is encoded as ROR by 0.  */
  char *
  emit_arith(char *pc,
             arm_cond_t cond,
             alu_op_t op,
             int status,
             arm_register_t rd,
             arm_register_t rn,
             int operand2_type,
             int operand2) {
      *(pc++) = operand2;
      *(pc++) = rd << 4 | ((operand2 >> 8) & 0xF);
      *(pc++) = op << 4 | status | rn;
      *(pc++) = cond | 0 | operand2_type | op >> 4;
      return pc;
  /* eg add r0, r3, r7  */
  #define emit_arith_reg(pc, cond, op, status, rd, rn, rm) \
        emit_arith (pc, cond, op, status, rd, rn, 0, rm)
  /* eg sub r0, r3, r7 lsr #3 */
  #define emit_arith_reg_shift_const(pc, cond, op, status, rd, rn, rm, shift, by) \
        emit_arith (pc, cond, op, status, rd, rn, 0, ((by) << 7) | shift | 0 | (rm))
  /* eg orrs r1, r2, r1 rrx */
  #define emit_arith_reg_rrx(pc, cond, op, status, rd, rn, rm) \
        emit_arith (pc, cond, op, status, rd, rn, 0, shift_ROR | 0 | (rm))
  /* I believe these take 2 cycles (due to having to access a 4th register.  */
  #define emit_arith_reg_shift_reg(pc, cond, op, status, rd, rn, rm, shift, rs) \
        emit_arith (pc, cond, op, status, rd, rn, 0, ((rs) << 8) | shift | 0x10 | (rm))
  #define emit_arith_immediate(pc, cond, op, status, rd, rn, val, rotate) \
        emit_arith (pc, cond, op, status, rd, rn, 2, ((rotate) << 8) | (val))
  /* I'll use mov r0, r0 as my NOP for now.  */
  #define emit_nop(pc) emit_mov (pc, r0, r0)
  /* MOV ignores rn  */
  #define emit_mov(pc, dest, src) emit_arith_reg (pc, cond_AL, MOV, 0, dest, 0, src)
  #define emit_dcd(pc, word)  { \
      *((int *)pc) = word; \
      pc+=4; }
  static void Parrot_jit_int_load(Parrot_jit_info *jit_info,
                               struct Parrot_Interp *interpreter,
                               int param,
                               int hwreg)
      opcode_t op_type
          = interpreter->op_info_table[*jit_info->cur_op].types[param];
      int val = jit_info->cur_op[param];
      int offset;
          case PARROT_ARG_I:
              offset = ((char *)&interpreter->ctx.int_reg.registers[val])
                  - (char *)interpreter;
              if (offset > 4095) {
                                     "integer load register %d generates offset %d, 
larger than 4095\n",
                             val, offset);
              jit_info->native_ptr = emit_ldrstr_offset (jit_info->native_ptr,
                                                         0, 0,
          case PARROT_ARG_IC:
                                 "Unsupported op parameter type %d in jit_int_load\n",
  static void Parrot_jit_int_store(Parrot_jit_info *jit_info,
                               struct Parrot_Interp *interpreter,
                               int param,
                               int hwreg)
      opcode_t op_type
           = interpreter->op_info_table[*jit_info->cur_op].types[param];
      int val = jit_info->cur_op[param];
      int offset;
          case PARROT_ARG_I:
              offset = ((char *)&interpreter->ctx.int_reg.registers[val])
                  - (char *)interpreter;
              if (offset > 4095) {
                                     "integer store register %d generates offset %d, 
larger than 4095\n",
                             val, offset);
              jit_info->native_ptr = emit_ldrstr_offset (jit_info->native_ptr,
                                                         0, 0,
          case PARROT_ARG_N:
                              "Unsupported op parameter type %d in jit_int_store\n",
  static void emit_jump_to_op(Parrot_jit_info *jit_info, arm_cond_t cond,
                              int L, opcode_t disp) {
      opcode_t opcode = jit_info->op_i + disp;
      if(opcode <= jit_info->op_i) {
          int offset = jit_info->op_map[opcode].offset -
              (jit_info->native_ptr - jit_info->arena_start);
              = emit_branch(jit_info->native_ptr, cond, L, (offset >> 2) - 2);
      internal_exception(JIT_ERROR, "Can't go forward yet\n");
  void Parrot_jit_dofixup(Parrot_jit_info *jit_info,
                          struct Parrot_Interp * interpreter)
      /* Todo.  */
  /* My entry code is create a stack frame:
        mov     ip, sp
        stmfd   sp!, {r4, fp, ip, lr, pc}
        sub     fp, ip, #4
     Then store the first parameter (pointer to the interpreter) in r4.
        mov     r4, r0
  Parrot_jit_begin(Parrot_jit_info *jit_info,
                   struct Parrot_Interp * interpreter)
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_mov (jit_info->native_ptr, REG12_ip, REG13_sp);
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_ldmstm (jit_info->native_ptr,
                                          cond_AL, is_store, dir_FD,
                                          reg2mask(4) | reg2mask(REG11_fp)
                                          | reg2mask(REG12_ip)
                                          | reg2mask(REG14_lr)
                                          | reg2mask(REG15_pc));
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_arith_immediate (jit_info->native_ptr, cond_AL,
                                                   SUB, 0, REG11_fp, REG12_ip,
                                                   4, 0);
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_mov (jit_info->native_ptr, 4, 0);
  /* I'm going to load registers to call functions in general like this:
      adr     r14,  .L1
      ldmia   r14!,  {r0, r1, r2, pc} ; register list built by jit
      .L1:    r0 data
              r1 data
              r2 data
             <where ever>       ; address of function.
      .L2:                      ; next instruction - return point from func.
      # here I'm going to do 
      mov           r1, r4      ; current interpreter is arg 1
      adr     r14,  .L1
      ldmia   r14!,  {r0, pc}
      .L1:    address of current opcode
             <where ever>       ; address of function for op
      .L2:                      ; next instruction - return point from func.
  XXX no.
  need to adr beyond:
      mov           r1, r4      ; current interpreter is arg 1
      adr     r14,  .L1
      ldmda   r14!,  {r0, ip}
      mov     pc, ip
      .L1     address of current opcode
      dcd     <where ever>      ; address of function for op
      .L2:                      ; next instruction - return point from func.
  Parrot_jit_normal_op(Parrot_jit_info *jit_info,
                       struct Parrot_Interp * interpreter)
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_mov (jit_info->native_ptr, r1, r4);
  #ifndef ARM_K_BUG
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_mov (jit_info->native_ptr, REG14_lr, REG15_pc);
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_ldmstm (jit_info->native_ptr,
                                          cond_AL, is_load, dir_IA,
                                          reg2mask(0) | reg2mask(REG15_pc));
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_arith_immediate (jit_info->native_ptr, cond_AL,
                                                   ADD, 0, REG14_lr, REG15_pc,
                                                   4, 0);
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_ldmstm (jit_info->native_ptr,
                                          cond_AL, is_load, dir_IA,
                                          reg2mask(0) | reg2mask(REG12_ip));
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_mov (jit_info->native_ptr, REG15_pc, REG12_ip);
      emit_dcd (jit_info->native_ptr, (int) jit_info->cur_op);
      emit_dcd (jit_info->native_ptr,
                (int) interpreter->op_func_table[*(jit_info->cur_op)]);
  /* We get back address of opcode in bytecode.
     We want address of equivalent bit of jit code, which is stored as an
     address at the same offset in a jit table. */
  void Parrot_jit_cpcf_op(Parrot_jit_info *jit_info,
                          struct Parrot_Interp * interpreter)
      Parrot_jit_normal_op(jit_info, interpreter);
      /* This is effectively the pseudo-opcode ldr - ie load relative to PC.
         So offset includes pipeline.  */
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_ldrstr_offset (jit_info->native_ptr, cond_AL,
                                                 is_load, is_pre, 0, 0,
                                                 REG14_lr, REG15_pc, 0);
      /* ldr pc, [r14, r0]  */
      /* lazy. this is offset type 0, 0x000 which is r0 with zero shift  */
      jit_info->native_ptr = emit_ldrstr (jit_info->native_ptr, cond_AL,
                                          is_load, dir_Up, is_pre, 0, 0,
                                          REG15_pc, REG14_lr, 2, 0);
      /* and this "instruction" is never reached, so we can use it to store
         the constant that we load into r14  */
      emit_dcd (jit_info->native_ptr,
                ((long) jit_info->op_map) -
                ((long) interpreter->code->byte_code));
   * Local variables:
   * c-indentation-style: bsd
   * c-basic-offset: 4
   * indent-tabs-mode: nil 
   * End:
   * vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:
  1.5       +2 -2      parrot/jit/sun4/jit_emit.h
  Index: jit_emit.h
  RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/jit/sun4/jit_emit.h,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -w -r1.4 -r1.5
  --- jit_emit.h        1 Aug 2002 19:58:41 -0000       1.4
  +++ jit_emit.h        2 Aug 2002 03:25:37 -0000       1.5
  @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   ** SPARC
  -** $Id: jit_emit.h,v 1.4 2002/08/01 19:58:41 dan Exp $
  +** $Id: jit_emit.h,v 1.5 2002/08/02 03:25:37 grunblatt Exp $

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