sylvain     2003/11/20 07:40:26

  Modified:    .        status.xml
  A lot of changes!
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.200     +21 -1     cocoon-2.1/status.xml
  Index: status.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/cocoon-2.1/status.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.199
  retrieving revision 1.200
  diff -u -r1.199 -r1.200
  --- status.xml        19 Nov 2003 03:46:22 -0000      1.199
  +++ status.xml        20 Nov 2003 15:40:25 -0000      1.200
  @@ -182,6 +182,26 @@
    <release version="@version@" date="@date@">
  +   <action dev="SW" type="add">
  +     The "cocoon" object in flowscript has a new setup(object) method that 
honors the various Avalon lifecycle
  +     interfaces implemented by an object. This allows Java classes 
instanciated by a flowscript to access e.g.
  +     request, response and components without requiring a dependency on the 
"FOM_Cocoon" class.
  +   </action>
  +   <action dev="SW" type="add">
  +     Woody: new double-list styling for MultivalueField.
  +   </action>
  +   <action dev="SW" type="add">
  +     New MountTableMatcher to define "mount tables" that allow external 
  +     to be mounted in a sitemap without requiring to modify the sitemap. 
It's use has
  +     been included in the samples sitemap, thus allowing mounts that 
surivive a "build clean webapp".
  +   </action>
  +   <action dev="SW" type="add">
  +     Woody: added rendering of &lt;wd:help&gt; popup panel on a "?" icon.
  +   </action>
  +   <action dev="SW" type="add">
  +     Woody: new upload widget. This required some modification on 
multipart.Part objects
  +     that can now survice the end of processing of the current request.
  +   </action>
      <action dev="DC" type="update" context="core">
        Updated Entity Resolver from pre-release to official
        xml-commons-resolver-1.1 release.

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