bruno       2004/04/17 09:25:29

  Modified:    src/documentation/xdocs/userdocs/forms book.xml
  Added:       src/documentation/xdocs/userdocs/forms validation.xml
  Removed:     src/documentation/xdocs/userdocs/forms validationrules.xml
  Renamed validationrules.xml document to simply validation.xml
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.2       +2 -2      
  Index: book.xml
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- book.xml  14 Apr 2004 19:04:34 -0000      1.1
  +++ book.xml  17 Apr 2004 16:25:28 -0000      1.2
  @@ -45,9 +45,9 @@
       <menu-item label="messages" href="widget_messages.html"/>
  -  <menu label="Misc">
  +  <menu label="Widget concepts">
  +    <menu-item label="Validation" href="validation.html"/>
       <menu-item label="Datatypes" href="datatypes.html"/>
  -    <menu-item label="Validation Rules" href="validationrules.html"/>
     <menu label="Form Publishing">
  1.2       +1 -1      
  Index: datatypes.xml
  RCS file: 
  retrieving revision 1.1
  retrieving revision 1.2
  diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
  --- datatypes.xml     14 Apr 2004 19:04:34 -0000      1.1
  +++ datatypes.xml     17 Apr 2004 16:25:28 -0000      1.2
  @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
           <p>The <strong>fd:validation</strong> element contains a number of
           child elements, each child element signifies a validation rule.
           The supported validation rules are documented in the
  -        <link href="validationrules.html">Validation Rule 
  +        <link href="validation.html">Validation Rule Reference</link>.</p>
         <s2 title="Convertors">
  Index: validation.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at
    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.0//EN" 
      <title>Apache Cocoon Forms: Validation Rules</title>
        <person name="The Apache Cocoon Team" email=""/>
      <s1 title="General">
        <p>For each validation rule, the failmessage (i.e. the message displayed
        to the user in case the validation failed) can be overridden by 
        a child <strong>fd:failmessage</strong> element inside the validation 
rule element. The
        failmessage can contain mixed content. Example:</p>
        <source><![CDATA[<fd:datatype base="string">
        <fd:failmessage>Not a valid email address!</fd:failmessage>
        <p>To provide locale-dependent messages, use i18n tags in
        combination with the I18nTransformer.</p>
        <p>Often the values that validation rules will check are specified as
        expressions. CForms uses for this the <link 
href="";>xReporter expression 
      <s1 title="Summary">
            <th>Allowed datatypes</th>
            <td>all datatypes</td>
            <td>integer, long, decimal</td>
            <td>all datatypes as part of multivaluefield</td>
      <s1 title="Description">
        <s2 title="assert">
          <p>Evaluates the expression specified in the "test" attribute. This 
          should have a boolean result, it should evaluate to either true or 
          Example: Suppose there are 2 fields widgets <code>password</code> and 
          We can use assert inside <code>confirmPassword</code> to check if is 
equals to <code>password</code> widget:</p>
          <source><![CDATA[<fd:assert test="password = confirmPassword">
    <fd:failmessage>The two passwords are not equal.</fd:failmessage>
        <s2 title="email">
          <p>Checks that a value is a valid email address. Example:</p>
        <s2 title="length">
          <p>Checks the length of strings. This validation rule can take 3 
          min, max and exact. You can use either of these three separately or
          min and max together. The values of these attributes are expressions. 
          <source><![CDATA[<fd:length min="2" max="4"/>
  Another example:
  <fd:length exact="2*2">
     <fd:failmessage>Must be 4 characters long!</fd:failmessage>
        <s2 title="mod10">
          <p>Uses the "mod10" algorithm used to check the validity of credit 
          numbers such as VISA. This validation rule does not require any 
          attributes. Example:</p>
     <fd:failmessage>Invalid credit card number.</fd:failmessage>
        <s2 title="range">
          <p>Checks the numeric range. This validation rule can take 3 
          min, max and exact. You can use either of these three separately or
          min and max together. The values of these attributes are expressions. 
          <source><![CDATA[<fd:range min="2" max="4"/>
  Another example:
  <fd:range exact="2*2"/>]]></source>
        <s2 title="regexp">
          <p>Checks that a string matches a regular expression. It requires a 
          attribute specifying the regexp. The regular expression library used 
          Jakarta ORO, see <link 
 for some information. Example:</p>
          <source><![CDATA[<fd:regexp pattern="[a-z]{3,5}">
     <fd:failmessage>Invalid code!</fd:failmessage>
        <s2 title="value-count">
          <p>Checks the number of items selected in a multivaluefield.
          Again works with min, max and exact attributes. Example:</p>
          <source><![CDATA[<fd:value-count min="2" max="4"/>
  Another example:
  <fd:value-count exact="2"/>]]></source>

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