Hi Fred,

I can't say the client proxy guarantees the thread-safety of use the request/ response contexts. Because the request and response contexts are the no thread-local objects of the JaxWsClientProxy which implements the BindingProvider interface.

I filled a Jira *CXF-470 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-470>* [1] for it, and will make it thread-safe :).

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-470



Fred Dushin wrote:

Sorry, this is another naive JAX-WS question.

The CXF documentation at http://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/developing- a-consumer.html illustrates a pattern for implementing a CXF client. Under the section "Setting a request context" and "Reading a response context", the following code is presented:

// Set request context property.
java.util.Map<String, Object> requestContext =
requestContext.put(ContextPropertyName, PropertyValue);

// Invoke an operation.

// Read response context property.
java.util.Map<String, Object> responseContext =
PropertyType propValue = (PropertyType) responseContext.get (ContextPropertyName);

My question is, in a multi-threaded application, where say the client proxy (port, in the above example) is shared across threads, there are presumably no guarantees about the thread-safety of the use of the client-request or response objects, no? Or are implementations free to "return" a context object out of thread-local storage, for example? Does anyone know what the CXF behavior is here?

I guess what I need to know is, is the functionally correct way to use the above pattern to wrap it in a synchronized block (thus losing any scalability in the client)? Or is the above pattern thread-safe (under the assumption that port may be shared across threads)?


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