From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The traditional police shotgun rounds inthe UK have been
buckshot and slug, even before the pump action shotgun (in
the days when they carried 20 inch barrelled doubles).  I
suspect these make up the bulk of the shotgun rounds in the
police armoury now.

Also CS gas shotgun rounds operate at closer to slug
velocities (one o ftheir advantages is that they will go
through windows at reasonable ranges).  So if you got it
wrong and fired a CS cartridge at someone the mess between
a penetrating wound and the CS crystals is going to be pretty
nasty!  Remember concentrated CS crystals burn people very
badly and an internal wound from such a cartridge is likely
to cause a lot of medical problems.


My experience with the police and their shotguns is that the
"slug" load they currently use is designed for forcing open
doors or puncturing car tyres.  I don't think the shotgun
is currently used in the UK for the delivery of CS, and
beanbag rounds aren't used either (yet).


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