From:   "niel fagan", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The bit about section 5 reminded me of when the police
raided the gunsmiths in Fareham high street many years
ago. They held a section 5 for development of the
silenced stirling. The day after it ran out the local
police arrived mob handed and demanded all the section
5 guns. The smith doing the work was locked in the gun
room at the time and refused to open the cage type door, 
made a phone call and told the inspector leading the
team that he should keep quiet and listen to his radio.
2 Min's later the radio sprang into life and they were
told to back-off, but remain on the premises. 15-20 min's 
later the MP's from Chichester arrived and locked all
those on the premises inside. Within  two hours a new
section 5 permit, issued on behalf of the MOD arrived
by escorted ministry courier, then and only then were
the civilian police allowed to leave by the MOD
representitives and the MP's.

Still make's me chuckle, MP's locking up civi coppers...

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