Well, certainly stirred a hornets nest up there, didnt I!
I hope Dave Reay is recovering form his burst blood
vessels. Just to reassure him, I am an old time copper,
having been one for 26 years. I have no intentions of
handing back my medals and commendations, though. Who on
earth is going to take any notice of that? I dont believe
in futile actions and anyway, I earned them and my kids
will get them in due course. The guys he knows that have
thrown away or handed back their medals must be feeling
pleased that they showed 'em alright! That was a high
profile protest, wasn't it!
I also lost my pistols after the '97 fiasco. I fully agree
that the police are useless at licensing, and that the
attitudes of some in the ranks are hostile towards shooters. I
personally will stick up for any legitimate shooter except
someone who wants a gun for self defence. The tone of Dave's
venom filled missive seemed to suggest that you can't set
foot out of your door without being faced by gangs of gun
weilding lunatics or accosted on every corner by a
paedophile, in between being snapped by police anti
speeding cameras.  Lets keep this in perspective please. I
dont feel the need to have a firearm for protection at
home. I dont know or associate with anyone who does. If
anyone feels that strongly about it, then I feel very
sorry for them. Their lives must be hell, and I mean that

When I hear expressions such as 'The police are no more
than an extended arm...etc', does the author mean the
individuals who do the day to day work, or does he mean
the senior ranks, or does he mean the politicians who
make the law......what does he mean?
If he means the rank and file, then get a life and also
some treatment for the severe paranoia that is affecting
you! I have nothing but contempt for attitudes such as
yours. (It works both ways.)

By the way, Jeff, I pay more towards my pension than
you do, 11% of my wage to be exact, so dont come that
old one. I also pay taxes, so I suppose I am paying
twice. Funny, when you think about it. I am really
paying my own wages. Aint that the damndest thing!



PS         Just 'cos your paranoid doesn't mean they
arent after you.

PPS     The proponents of the right to bear arms for
self defence will presumably be able to distinguish a
replica or an air weapon in a burglar or muggers hands
in the dark.
That last comment is weak.  If someone threatens you
with a replica, and you have a gun, then they are this
year's receipient of the Darwin Award.  The police
have shot loads of people who were unarmed, or armed
with table legs, walking sticks and the like.  But
the police are still armed after those mistakes.  In
fact in many cases they were not held to be mistakes.

If someone unlawfully enters your house, points a
replica at you that you believe is real, tough.  They
have placed themselves in that situation.

I can safely say that the person who shot such an
intruder would not be allowed anonymity at the inquest
into his death!

Off-topic, but about paedophilia, according to the
Home Office stats far more children are killed by
their parents than by paedophiles, yet I don't
hear calls for parents to be banned from looking
after their children!


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