<<Do members of the stalking side of cybershooters think
that the .270 should be replaced by a .30 calibre for
better results on fallow in woodland that you do not
want to lose, if the shot placement is not perfect?  I
know some people swear by the .243 for neck shots but
this must be able under powered for fallow, sitka and
red.  Or should I go to heavy or premium bullets?>>

Stick with it. The combination you are using sounds good. I take it you are
using home loads? Have you got them loaded up to maximum?
Most stalkers will admit to having some beasts run after a shot. A flight of
30m is about right for a heart /lung shot. A roe deer will do that quite
easily, never mind a fallow. The next one you shoot might just drop in its
tracks. There are so many factors that will affect the end result. Adrenalin
levels, state of awareness of the animal, time of the year, etc.
The stalker who says that he always goes for neck shots is best ignored. It
is irresponsible, and dangerous in many places. Conditions need to be
absolutely perfect to ensure a clean kill with a neck shot. An inch out and
its the windpipe that gets it, or a nick just stuns the animal.
Stick with your combination and you wont go far wrong. Put the bullet in the
engine room and let it do its work without trying to be fancy or clever.
BTW...........Hulme Park is a nice place to stalk. Know it well.  Duke of
Northumberland has introduced some reds as well.


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