I hope, IG, that you consider criminal evidence with more care than you do 
some of the postings to this list!
1. Our US friend didn't try to "impose his values" on this country, he merely 
drew a useful comparison between the rights of Americans and those of 
Englishmen. In any case, our two nations' values in terms of free citizens' 
right to possess arms, as enshrined in the US Constitution and our own Bill 
of Rights, are peas from the same pod.
2. He doesn't tell us that firearms are only good for self-defence: he makes 
the valid point that that is their most important purpose, ultimately, and 
that guns' capacity to protect one's life & liberty is a stronger debating 
point than their recreational role.
3. We do not slavishly applaud or emulate everything that comes from America 
- this is pure fantasy on your part. But since America is a more violent 
society, in both absolute and relative terms, than our own (with the usual 
caveats about it depending very much where in America you live), and guns and 
gun-control play a significant part in this, we naturally look to America for 
instructive examples of citizens using guns for self-defence, and of the 
folly of most attempts at gun-control.
4. In referring to people's desire for personal security in some of our 
rougher areas I wasn't suggesting only firearms, but thinking of the pepper 
sprays and other forms of defence which had been mentioned. Our US friend did 
well to remind us, for example, of our supremely daft laws concerning knives: 
in an article I wrote on knives for countryside use, I felt obliged to 
include a brief summary of the restrictions which apply, such as the 
typically arbitrary blade-length thing and the nasty little catch concerning 
lock-blades. I very much dislike the idea of getting into a knife-fight with 
anyone, and would much prefer a baton or some such, but my point is that our 
rulers have this mad compulsion to regulate, control, oppress and punish 
innocent people - possibly an urge which you share - when all they want to do 
is carry a bloody pocket knife, for God's sake.
Anthony Harrison

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