From:   andrew, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is this about "popular mythology"? Apart from anything else these
characters occasionally have a falling out and start shooting one
another which sometimes is serious enough to make the local news. This
is apart from the occasional burst of gun fire in the evening! And no
it's not fireworks.

I didn't say that the police actually allowed them to go armed but that
criminals don't seem to be inconvenienced very much by the law or its
enforcement. You say that you don't agree with people having
uncontrolled access to firearms: well I hate to burst your bubble but it
goes on all the time, it is just that it happens with people not
bothering with the expense and rigmarole of doing it legally. I should
also point out that prior to 1922 (can stand being corrected if the date
is wrong) british subjects did have unrestricted access to firearms and
carried them for self defence, can you point to any research that shows
that this was a problem (except to criminals and governments of course)?
Or is it your contention that this country was in a state of complete
crime ridden anarchy until the likes of yourself came along and
established a new world order?

As far as judging character to establish if a person is fit to LEGALLY
own a firearm, I see the fact that the person did not decide to take the
easy route but instead chose to remain a law abiding citizen and hold
themselves up for scrutiny, even to the extent of allowing their
confidential medical records to be inspected, as being a pretty fair
indication of their good character. As to the value of referees; I
pointed out a few months ago, upon his conviction, that if a certificate
holder were a patient of Dr. Shipman then they could have had their
application countersigned by Britain's biggest (known) mass murderer! 

I would again caution anyone who is attracted to the idea of passing
judgement on his fellows the parable about the qualifications needed to
cast the first stone applies. Now it's not such a nice game is it!

Let me make it quite clear that I am not anti police nor anti- laws. I
just want the police and the law to target the wrong doer and prevent
them causing harm whereas I see no part of the firearms act or its
enforcement having any effect on anyone except the law abiding. 

I would like to thank you though for starting this discussion, whatever
your motives or whether officially sanctioned or not.

< First of all, this is popular mythology that has come to be believed
due to repetition amongst people with axes to grind. 
It is simply not true that drug dealers etc. are allowed by the police
to carry firearms without penalty. Before you repeat this mythology,
take the time to do some research and find out the truth. 

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