From:   andrew, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<I should also like to point out that prior to 1930 something or other,
there was no law regulating the misuse of drugs>

What? Are you implying that we have a law regulating the MISUSE of

Then again it could be used to justify another totally ineffective law;
"The law works because people only break it legally". If the laws
prohibiting certain types of drugs, their possession and use work so
well would you mind telling me why we pay Keith Halliwell (I think that
is his name) the "drugs tzar" to do?

You obviously don't go out much! The only things that have changed is
the use of opium and flick knives. The addicts here use crack cocaine,
quite openly and without any sign of embarrassment; that is in the city
centre at lunch time! Where I work we have several people who work as
door men on several city centre pubs (another sign that things are
better than in the past) and they confirm that they rarely see flick
knives: axes, bowie's, handguns, hammers, machetes and even a sword but
no flick knives. A bit too '50s retro!

I also mix with a lot of single parents both male and female and none
have anything good to say about the CSA. The most positive opinion I get
from those who deal with them is that the CSA is incompetent and

<Oh, the good old days. When men could go shooting whilst high as a kite
on opium, get pissed, carry a flick knife and screw a bird without being
bankrupted by the government, then have a fight on the way home. All in
the same day as well. Sheer bliss. What a beautiful society.>

If you want to accuse me of being paranoid bear in mind that I , like
all law abiding gun owners, were brought up to have 100 percent trust in
the government and its agencies like the police. That trust, and that of
my family and friends has been eroded from one direction. As I stated
previously; Trust is a two way street, you cannot say to someone that
you do not trust them and expect them to trust you.

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