From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was yesterday searching the Cullen Inquiry
Transcript on the web but failed to find anything
about McMurdo's police chauffeur/driver.

Roughly, I'd say the Inquiry threw up a very large
amount of not-particularly-indirect evidence that
Hamilton was for 20 years running a paedophile
operation in his boys' clubs and both the police and
Stirling Council seem to have had enough complaints
about him for him to be made a target for surveillance
- but that never happened for some reason. 

Bearing in mind the number of Council-related
paedophile scandals that have surfaced in the 4 years
since the Dunblane Massacre it's clear Lord Cullen was
just behaving "normally" for the period in denying
paedophile activities by Hamilton and decrying the
witnesses and evidence.

I don't know why nobody but me seems to be taking an
interest in re-examining the Transcript from which
Cullen's Report was abbreviated, but for sure it's the
basis on which handguns for sport shooting were banned
in Great Britain, so if you want your pistols back,
get the lead out and take an interest. Unless you've
been visiting the reference libraries in Scotland
where the Transcript resides in hard copy, NO, you
haven't read it all before in the newspapers.

After 4 years it still stinks. Check out the source
document for yourself - it's linked (Scottish
Office)to the end of the Contents page of the Cullen
Report on:

Norman Bassett
I have been looking through it the last few days but I haven't
found anything scintillating yet.


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