Amusing......  Mike P

Female face of British army goes AWOL

LONDON, Feb 1 (Reuters) - The soldier, highlighted as the female face of the 
British army, has been absent without leave for the last seven months, the 
Ministry of Defence said on Thursday. 

A photo of Lance Bombaier Heidi Cochrane, 24,  pictured in full battle dress 
staring down the barrel of a gun appeared in national newspapers last week 
after news that the army was reconciled to allowing women to fight in 
frontline roles. 

But on Thursday, the MoD confirmed she had disappeared from her regiment last 
July. The London Evening Standard newspaper reported that Cochrane, who is 
married, had run off with another officer. 

"She went AWOL on July 30 last year," an MoD spokesman said. "We will try to 
find her and arrest her." 

The Standard said Cochrane had vanished whilst on exercise in Cyprus and had 
not contacted her regiment -- 16 Regiment Royal Artillery -- or her family 

"She ran off with a sergeant leaving her husband behind." an unnamed soldier 
told the paper. "She subsequently sent text messages to her friends from Sri 
Lanka telling the army 'Come and get me if you can be bothered'." 

12:12 02-01-01

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