<< The key to a prosperous economy lies in keeping taxes down and reducing 
regulation and setting free the creative and hard working British people  to
 succeed in the world economy.  Opportunity has to be spread to all.  Britain
 must be an open society in which success is possible for every hard working
 person whoever they are and wherever they come from. >>
Cripes! Starve the lizards! I nearly choked on the mouthful of South African 
Cabernet Sauvignon I was savouring when I read this bilge. Look, these clowns 
had eighteen years (!) to reduce taxation drastically, roll back the power of 
the State, stop interfering with the liberty of the individual, and devolve 
power (etc, etc) and what did we get? Vastly more regulation and high taxes, 
a huge diminution of individual liberty - not least through Thatcher's 
signing us up for Maastricht - and e.g. even more gun-control than we had 
already. And now these lying toads claim to be the ones to liberate us from 
Blair's burgeoning Orwellian tyranny! Blair and his grotesque henchman 
Prescott might be first to swing from a lamp-post, but Hague shouldn't be far 

Anthony Harrison
All I know is that Peter Mandelson is the best campaigner the
Conservatives have had in the past ten years!  I can't believe
they keep wheeling out Anne Widdecombe, she's absolutely


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