re. twitching of the trigger finger.

Experience 1.

Unhappy man, puts muzzle of rifle in mouth, 7.62mm, FMJ, pulls trigger.

Removes about a 5" diameter hole from right of skull, blood and brains all
over ceiling.

He lives for about 20 minutes! Says he is uncomfortable but not in pain. Says
(mostly) "I wish I hadn't done it."

Experience 2 to hundreds....

a. decapitate magpies caught in Larsen trap. Have twisted head off. The body
moves, the wings flap and the feet twitch.

b. rabbits shot with .22 hornet (I find 22LR wounds and lets too many of them
hop away) even with vast area of carcass removed, including much of spine,
feet may still twitch.

After complete decaptitation and removal of any connection between
forebrain/midbrain/hindbrain and rest of body, bits still twitch. One of the
twitching bits could be on a trigger or a deadman's switch.


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