From:   Heinrich Harke, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, I saw the article and just faxed the following letter to the Editor
of the Daily Telegraph, using information previously distributed via

        22 May 2000

        The new research results which show that toy guns in nurseries
        reduce aggression (22 May) should not have surprised the experts.
        They appear to confirm, albeit for a younger age group, the 
        results of a monitoring programme of 4000 children between the
        ages of six and fifteen carried out by the US Department of
        Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
        from 1993 to 1995. The key findings are that children who are
        given (real) guns by their parents do not commit gun crimes (in
        contrast to children who obtain guns illegally); they are less
        likely to commit any kind of street crime than children who have
        no gun in the house or acquire an illegal gun; and they have much
        lower rates of delinquency and drupg use than children who obtain
        illegal guns or do not use guns at all. 

        These findings reportedly surprised the researchers at the time.
        Do all social scientists wirking in this field start out their
        research with the same set of prejudices?

                                                Yours faithfully

                                                Dr Heinrich Harke
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