On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 09:51:12AM -0000, Ebrey, Carl wrote:
>I'm interested in being the package maintainer for figlet.  The latest
>version is 2.2 and was released in 1996 (and so I can't realistically
>see it being updated again).  I have already compiled the source and
>created a tar.bz2 of the binaries/docs/etc and I've created what I
>/think/ is a good setup.hints file.

How about an explanation about what figlet is?

I'm sure that I could figure this out myself by doing a google search but I
think a description of the package and rationale for its inclusion would be
step one in deciding if it should be included in the cygwin distribution.

Maybe just posting the proposed setup.hint file would be enough, with
ldesc, sdesc, category, and requires lines filled in.


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