There is currently an issue with libstdc++6 and libgcj11 where they do
not always work correctly wrt exceptions if rebased.  If you encounter
programs dependent on either which don't start or suddenly terminate,
reinstall these packages and be careful to not rebase them again until
further notice.

This update fixes several security vulnerabilities in curl, dbus,
freetype2, and libsndfile.

A list of new and uploaded packages is attached; for the complete
list of packages currently available, please check the FTP server:


Cygwin Ports

bmake                                              20110622-1
curl                                               7.21.7-1
dbus                                               1.4.12-1
dbus-bash-completion                               0.94-1
dbus-glib                                          0.94-1
filezilla                                          3.5.0-1
freetype2-demos                                    2.4.5-1
gdb                                                7.3-1
gvim                                               7.3.254-1
jamvm                                              1.5.3-4
java-getopt                                        1.0.13-1
java-gnome4.0                                      4.0.20-1
java-jna                                           3.3.0-1
libcurl-devel                                      7.21.7-1
libcurl4                                           7.21.7-1
libdbus-glib_1-devel                               0.94-1
libdbus-glib_1_2                                   0.94-1
libdbus1-devel                                     1.4.12-1
libdbus1_3                                         1.4.12-1
libfreetype-devel                                  2.4.5-1
libfreetype6                                       2.4.5-1
libGL-devel                                        7.10.3-1
libGL1                                             7.10.3-1
libGLU-devel                                       7.10.3-1
libGLU1                                            7.10.3-1
libGLw-devel                                       7.10.3-1
libGLw1                                            7.10.3-1
libsndfile                                         1.0.25-1
libsndfile-devel                                   1.0.25-1
libsndfile1                                        1.0.25-1
mesa                                               7.10.3-1
pidgin-prpltwtr                                    0.9.0-1
qiv                                                2.2.4-1
roadnav                                            0.20alpha-1
vim                                                7.3.254-1
vim-common                                         7.3.254-1
workrave                                           1.9.4-1
xorg-server                                        1.10.3-11
xorg-server-dmx                                    1.10.3-11
xxd                                                7.3.254-1
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