
I run a remote xterm via

ssh -Y mydebianlinuxsystem xterm </dev/null&

this works perfectly fine, except when I resize the window (in particular:
make it wider). It seems that xterm/bash doesn't pick up the new size
properly. Although output now does fill the new size, I have trouble with
command recall in bash. Pressing uparrow to get to a long command line (i.e.
longer than the size of the original window), results in garbled display.
The line displays truncated at its original size with bits at the start and
end missing. Pressing left-arrow etc results in lots of fun effects. Ctrl-L
does display the whole line, but with line breaks at the original width.

Note that for local xterms, this problem does not exist.

any suggestions?


(running NT 4.0 sp6a and the latest cygwin/xorg)

Kris Thielemans
(kris.thielemans <at> imperial.ac.uk)
Hammersmith Imanet (formerly IRSL)
Cyclotron Building
Hammersmith Hospital
Du Cane Road
London W12 ONN, United Kingdom

web site address: http://www.hammersmithimanet.com/~kris

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