I have installed the latest version of Cygwin + X11 under Longhorn/Vista Ver 
6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1,
running under WOW64 on AMD64. Cygcheck says that "Longhorn/Vista (not yet 
supported!)" but things seem
to work, so far. I have downloaded the lot today, Feb 18, 2009, and the version 
numbers on X11 are:

xorg-cf-files                   1.0.2-7
xorg-docs                       1.4-1
xorg-scripts                    1.0.1-1
xorg-server                     1.5.3-6
xorg-sgml-doctools              1.2-1
xorg-util-macros                1.2.1-1
xorg-x11-base                   7.4-1
xorg-x11-bin-dlls               7.4-1

The installation and post-install all went smoothly, but on trying to start 
X11, xterm, as invoked by startxwin.sh, would say "Unable to load any usable 
ISO8859 font" and exit. X11 would run though and xterm -fn fixed would come up 
just fine, sic. I have eventually tracked the problem to... there not being any 
fonts.dir files in the /usr/share/fonts subdirectories. After I had made these 
manually with mkfontdir the problem went away.

Looks like a bug in post-install. But... I did not have this problem on XP, on 
which I had installed Cygwin and X11 yesterday only. So, it seems to be Vista 

Another Vista post-install difference: there are no X11 entries in the start 

Happy hacking all,
Zdzislaw Meglicki, OVPIT, Indiana University

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