Mike Ayers wrote:
From: cygwin-xfree-ow...@cygwin.com [mailto:cygwin-xfree-
ow...@cygwin.com] On Behalf Of Lothar Brendel
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 4:52 PM

E.g. in a Windows command prompt or a non-X11 cygwin-console, the
    run sleep -wait 5
does *not* wait for the sleep to terminate. Moreover
    run false -wait
does *not* set %errorlevel% to 1.

Why are you using run for these?

I normally don't. It was what I boiled down the non-functioning line
   %RUN% checkX -wait -d %DISPLAY% -t 12
in startxwin.bat (from xinit-1.1.1-6.tar.bz2) to.

Like that, the "-wait" has no effect and a non-running X-server isn't reflected in %errorlevel%, either.

And (of course) I can confirm the correct behaviour when using sh.exe instead of run.exe. Which brings us to the question of using run.exe in startxwin.bat. I don't see the point of hoping for a windowless console there, since a BAT-script always opens a window anyway (even when starting with "@echo off" and outputting nothing).

Hence, wouldn't be sh.exe instead of run.exe the right thing for startxwin.bat?


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