
More information as promised, after getting the new run and checkX
(run2) packages announced this morning.

$ checkX -v
run2 0.3.2

0.3.2 announced? I didn't get any such message, and setup still only offers 0.3.1-1 to me.

vhaisbtim...@isb-timaresbrian-lt ~
$ XWin -multiwindow &
[1] 5004

vhaisbtim...@isb-timaresbrian-lt ~
$ Welcome to the XWin X Server
Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project
Release: (10701000)
Build Date: 2009-11-11
----- UNQUOTE -----

Yes, the log didn't show anything unusual. (BTW: You got it from /var/log/XWin.log.0, not from stdout, right?)

After quitting and destroying any processes from a DOS window, trying
startxwin.bat with echo on....

First off all, nothing appeared (no X icon, no window).


At this point I run "Cygwin Bash Shell" and from that window I run
startxwin.bat and it works fine, even after closing the Cygwin Bash

Brief, running ``startxwin.bat'' from the Cygwin Bash Shell works while running it from a Windows Prompt (DOS window) does not. Right?

Ok, same check over there. In the Windows Prompt:

C:\cygwin\bin\run XWin

What does happen? Nothing?


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