Well I figured that I would start over. So, I downloaded the cygwin files again to a local disk. Installed everything from the local disk. I found that this time the install did not put any programs in the Cyginw-X folder at all. So I deleted the cygwin download and picked a different mirror site. I found that the number of folders got bigger and this time when I installed, the Cygwin-X folder is populated. ( The first site I used was OSU, anyway to ping them to have them upgrade the mirror with all of the folders?)

After the install I started the X server. Worked okay, except that when the xterm started it still leaves a blank X windows hanging around. Have yet to investigate this, just finished the install. I then started the cygwin dos window and it returned this error: 1 [main] bash 3660 C:\Xwin\bin\bash.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487, base 0x850000, top 0x8B0000, reserve_size 389120, allocsize 393216, page_const 4096
2 [main] bash 2848 child_info::sync: wait failed, pid 3660, Win32 error 1812
1861 [main] bash 2848 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before initialization, retry 0, exit code 0x1000000, errno 11 2 [main] bash 2584 C:\Xwin\bin\bash.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487, base 0x850000, top 0x8B0000, reserve_size 389120, allocsize 393216, page_const 4096 301671318 [main] bash 2848 child_info::sync: wait failed, pid 2584, Win32 error 1812 301672949 [main] bash 2848 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before initialization, retry 0, exit code 0x1000000, errno 11

I killed the windows after these errors. I was hoping to check see if 'sh' was installed, but will look at the xterm instead.
Started the Xterm and got the following error:
/usr/bin/xterm: Could not exec /bin/bash: Bad address

looks like bash needs to be reinstalled or fixed. Will do the reinstall and report back.


Bob Whitehurst wrote:
I too had the same problem and I looked through some of the other posts.
Simon Jean-Francois posted the solution and Andy Koppe posted a followup. Just
as Andy has suggested, I got a in-use message box because I had a bash shell


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