2010.02.03.16:43:56 EST

Hi Jim and cygwin-xfree folks,

     I had the same problem that Jim was
experiencing.  I had started with cygwin-1.7
back in August, and over the course of the
autumn months had my difficulties with
startxwin.bat.  Among the things that I
did to make startxwin.bat work was to have
the environment variable CYGWIN set to:

CYGWIN = tty notitle glob

     When I stepped up to startxwin.exe in
late December/early January, it would start
the Xwin server, but my xterm would always
hang.  I retained startxwin.bat for a few
weeks while I scanned the postings for
information.  Jim Reisert's hint, about
removing the "tty" setting from the CYGWIN
environment variable, was what got the
startxwin.exe going for me.

    Now that my variable states only

CYGWIN = notitle glob

the xterm starts up nicely within a few
seconds after Xwin.exe is initialized.

    Mucho gracias, Jim!

George                  gbarr...@walsh.edu

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