On 05/02/2010 12:35, Joe Warren-Meeks wrote:
I've googled extensively and searched the mail archives, but I can't
find anything which describes how to configure cygwin to use

In the 1.5 world, I modified startxwin.bat to prefix the XWin.exe line
with ssh-agent, and this worked a treat.

How should I do this now? I basically want my whole Xserver to run as
a child of my ssh-agent so all xterms and other processes will collect
the credentials.

Creating a shortcut which starts the X server with:

'C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c "ssh-agent startxwin"'

should probably do what you want.

Note that (as before), processes you start other than via the X traymenu (for example, from a start menu item) aren't children of ssh-agent, so won't inherit SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID from it.

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