On 04/02/2010 15:25, anne crespy wrote:

Before updating Cygwin/X with the new version (X11R7) I launched Xwin with this
command :

XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error +bs&

and the backingStore option worked correctly in a graphic window (built with
tcl/tk8.4 and Xlib).

You were just lucky :-)

The backing store attribute is a hint; the server doesn't have to
honour a request to use backing store.

Note that even if you have an X server which does provide backingstore, the server doesn't have to provide an unlimited amount of memory for it, so it may discard backingstore at any time.

Any X client which *requires* backingstore to work is broken, not correctly redrawing windows when they are exposed.

See [1]

Now, it doesn't work. When the graphic window is overlapped its contents is
corrupted by the top window.

I didn't have this problem with the beta-version in november 2009.

What have changed since?

backingstore is implemented in terms of Composite in the X.Org server since X server 1.5.0

Unfortunately, we have had to disable Composite in the current X server due to crashes.

If/when these problems with Composite are fixed, things may work a little better...

[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/x...@lists.freedesktop.org/msg04440.html

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