On 16/02/2010 20:04, Radu Berinde wrote:
It's unfortunate that this problem hasn't been fixed and Cygwin/X 1.7
is now part of the stable distribution.

It's even more unfortunate that there's no way (none I could find
anyway) to install the older version which worked for me.

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 9:37 AM, Radu Berinde<radu.beri...@gmail.com>  wrote:
I am using Cygwin/X 1.7.1 and I am running applications on this X
server from a Slackware virtual machine.

I am using xte v1.03 to move the mouse using keyboard shortcuts. Using
ion3 as the window manager.

When running e.g.
# xte 'mousermove +250 0'
the mouse cursor should move to the right; indeed, the window manager
changes focus as if moved to the right, but the cursor doesn't visibly
move. When mouse is moved, movement continues from the visible
location (the xte movement is 'forgot').

This is an interesting and obscure use case. :-)

The reason this doesn't work as expected seem to be this [1] upstream change.

This prevents cursor moves inserted via XTEST from getting propagated to the native cursor.

I'd be interested to know if this works with X server 1.7.x on any platform, I'd suspect possibly not.

Using XWarpCursor() should move the native cursor correctly, so you might be able to use that instead?

[1] http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/commit/?id=dfb7de6571345061d1cd88ab915064fc376529fd

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