On 6/30/2010 11:22 AM, Timares, Brian (Harris) wrote:
What Mike and I want is actually pretty reasonable.  We want to be able
to preserve the work we do in picking the wheat from the chaff (from our
point of view) to avoid having our coworkers or ourselves duplicate that
work, whether they understand Unix or not (I'm sorry I brought it up!
It is largely irrelevant.).  It seems simple--at some point the Setup
program knows what was selected.  It just needs to save it out and be
able to read it back in.

As you mentioned in your follow-up, if what's already supported in
'setup.exe' doesn't meet your needs, you're welcome to modify it.
There are several ways to grab a list of installed packages, as has
been discussed already (assuming an installation exists at the time
you're doing the grabbing).  If you want to the dead-simple approach,
then you need to use 'setup.exe' to manage and maintain your local
installation.  If you need to duplicate that installation elsewhere,
you use the same installation directory and point 'setup.exe' to it
instead of mirrors.  Or you set up your own local mirror that you
maintain with the packages and versions you want and point 'setup.exe'
at that mirror only.  Or you grab the output of 'cygcheck -cd' \
(or /etc/setup/installed.db directly) and gently message it to create
script with calls 'setup.exe' with the list of packages you'd like
from a mirror.

Given all the existing options, it's worth your while to take a good
look at them all and figure out what they give you and what they don't
when matching them against what you need/want.  You may find that the
solution you want is simply an extension of something that's already
there, saving you time and effort all around.  If you decide to create
a patch, those would go to the cygwin-apps list.  Discussion of 'setup.exe'
bugs and enhancements go to that list as well.

Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746


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A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
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