On 3/22/2012 10:33 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 07:04:54PM -0400, Larry Hall (Cygwin-X) wrote:
On 3/21/2012 6:19 PM, Tom Szczesny wrote:
I am attempting to port the aplus-fsf-4.22 package (available at
www.aplusdev.org) to cygwin,
and I'm getting linking errors related to X11.

I can build the package successfully on Gentoo Linux.

The build on cygwin fails at   /aplus-fsf-4.22/src/main/aplus-main.c
with many error messages related to X11, such as
      undefined reference to '_XWarpPointer'.

The Makefile.in contains the lines:
     X_LIBS = @X_LIBS@

which got translated (in the Makefile) to:
     X_INCLUDES = -I
     X_LIBS = -L -lX11

While this works when building in Gentoo Linux, it does not appear to
be correct for cygwin.
What is the correct specification when building the package in cygwin?

[I thought this was already answered in the cygwin list]

Me too. ;-)

Try these:

X_INCLUDES = /usr/include
X_LIBS = -L /usr/include -lX11

You can also override the faulty configure script values and point
directly at these paths with the -x-includes and -x-libraries

The -L part is not right, Larry.  If anything, it should be -L /usr/lib
but there's no need for that since /usr/lib is searched by default.  So
both the -L and the -I should just be deleted.

Ugh.  Cut and paste error.  Thanks for the correction.



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> Q: Are you sure?
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>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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