On 09/05/2014 00:27, Lukas Haase wrote:
On 2014-05-08 5:15, Jon TURNEY wrote:

So, do you have an example of this working as you would like on a unix
system, and what is the window manager is that case?

I am not sure if I get the question.

What I could do is to login via VNC and see how the windows are placed
are if they are placed the correct way?

Is this what you mean?

Unfortunately I have no chance to install Cadence locally and run it
from a local, dual monitor setup from Linux because Cadence is a
proprietary, expensive tool.

I understand that.

I am just looking for some evidence that it isn't a bug in the application, i.e. that it works correctly for *anyone* :D

Knowing a window manager which places these windows correctly would also give me some source code to look at to work out what I need to change.

I've built a snapshot [1], which adds a heuristic which ignores a
'program specified location' hint if the location is the origin, which
you might like to try and see if that fixes your problem, but I'm not
sure if that is the correct solution.

I have just the issue that the exe does not seem to work for me. Is
there anything special I need to consider?

Sorry, my snapshot building script went wrong and the snapshot was broken. Try this one instead.


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