On 27/05/2014 13:52, Pavel Fedin wrote:
  Recently i have started using Insight (https://sourceware.org/insight/)
under Cygwin/X. Everything is quite good except one thing.
  I remember once upon a time i worked on MacOS X. There, X server starts up
automatically if there is some program requesting it. On Cygwin i still have
to run it by hands. Is is possible to set up autostart of the X server ? May
be i just don't know how to do it ?

I believe this is arranged using launchd on OS X, which listens on the socket the X server will use, and starts the X server when something connects.

Unfortunately, there is no similar system facility on Windows.

You can achieve a somewhat similar effect by copying the X server shortcut to the startup group to start it automatically at login, at the cost of slowing down system startup somewhat.

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