On 05/09/2014 17:55, mathog wrote:
I have run into an issue which _may_ indicate a bug in the cygwin X11
server.  The issue is documented here:


In brief, for certain test files viewed in Inkscape (current trunk at
least) over a putty ssh tunnel from an Ubuntu 12.04lts system to the
cygwin X11 server there are glitches in the image when it is
zoomed in and out.  This does not occur if the same program is run
locally on the console of the test machine.

Thanks for reporting this problem.

It's not quite clear, but I think you are saying that it renders correctly when run locally on the Ubuntu 12.04 system?

There are a couple of possible variables, which might affect things

The version of the X server may not be the same. It would be useful to compare the same version, and also be helpful if you could test with the most recent X server (1.16.0)

FWIW, the .svgs attached to that bug seem to render identically (although I'm not sure what correctly looks like) using a Cygwin Inkscape 0.48.4 r9939 (from cygwinports) and X server 1.16.0-1

It also does not happen if
I run a native Windows version (not cygwin, not X11) of Inkscape on the
same PC which hosts that X11 server on the same test files.  The glitch
does not occur with a huge number of other test files I have looked at
over the years.  It seems there is something specific to the clipping
code in Inkscape and this particular X11 transport path/server
combination.  Moreover, it looks like the problem is only manifested (or
only manifested frequently) when the clipping path consists of two (or
more?) disjoint sections.

When the glitches occur nothing is added to XWin.0.log.

Also this X11 server is not running in the full cygwin environment, but
rather in one edited down to just the minimum needed to run the X11
server.  I distribute this version here:


I don't think this is a factor though, since all of the action is going
on inside the X11 server process(es).

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