On 02/10/2014 04:53, Chris Carlson wrote:
I've been using Cygwin on a Windows 7 laptop for a few years as an X
server from my Fedora Linux system.  I "ssh -X" to my Linux system and
run various X programs (thunderbird, chrome, nautilus, etc.) with very
few issues.


     Welcome to the XWin X Server
     Vendor: The Cygwin/X Project
     OS: CYGWIN_NT-6.1 grover 1.7.32(0.274/5/3) 2014-08-13 23:06 x86_64
     OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 [Windows NT 6.1 build 7601] (Win64)
     Package: version 1.16.1-1 built 2014-09-29

     XWin was started with the following command line:

     X :0 -multiwindow

I discovered there are no visuals available to remote X connections that
support OpenGL double buffering.  There used to be, but no longer.
There are visuals available to direct connections, but not for remote.

Thanks for reporting this problem.  Unfortunately, I can't reproduce it.

Please can you attach the output of 'X -multiwindow -logverbose 3', so I can see what visuals the server thinks should be available, and the output of running 'glxinfo' on your remote system.

Can you give the version of Fedora you are using, and the version of the libGL package you have?

I tried looking through the FAQ for answers, but I didn't see anything.
Is this something that has intentionally changed?  Where would I find it
if it is (for future reference so I don't bug you)?

No, this is not intentional.

I guess this is an unintended consequence of a change. It would be useful in tracking down that change if you could identify the last X server release which worked correctly.

The release announce mails are a hopefully accurate summary of intended changes (e.g [1])

[1] https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree-announce/2014-09/msg00004.html

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