Today I ran into an interesting variant of this.

1.  putty   ssh -X session from XP to a remote Centos 6.5 system.
2.  on the remote system: xterm &
3.  copy a line of text on remote system
4. paste it into a roundcube "compose" window on XP system. The browser is
Seamonkey 2.29.

It works fine for a while and then the _browser_ locks. It is definitely an X11 issue because this unlocked the browser: exit all xterms, exit the putty session, kill
the X11 server.  The browser didn't unlock until the last step.

This lock up happened twice within half an hour. Now I can't reproduce it.

That is the only system I have used recently that uses xterm instead of uxterm.

The clipboard problems I have seen previously were all in the other direction, where clip going into an X11 application would fail.

Unfortunately I didn't save the X server log file. Which, brings up another point. The X11 server is started by clicking on "start_server.bat" which contains:

@echo off
set CYGXTOP=%~dp0
chdir "%CYGXTOP%\bin"
start Xwin :0 -multiwindow

It always overwrites the Xwin.0.log file when it starts. Is there some change we could make to this .bat script that would cause it to at least save one previous version?


David Mathog
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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