On 04/10/2014 18:16, t s wrote:
first of all, regarding the Cygwin setup program; the options are
install / re-install / un-install / default

is it correct that to install only the latest updates, I would choose
the option 'default' ?

I'm not sure what text you are looking at.

The options for an individual package which is already installed are 'reinstall', 'uninstall', 'keep' and specific versions other than the currently installed one (if any).

I can't see "default" anywhere.

If you mean the default version, then yes, when "curr" is selected at the top, all packages which have updates, will be updated.

next question : if I delete the start menu option "Cygwin/x" and run
the setup program for option "default", it doesn't re-create the
start menu option "Cygwin/x"

is this 'feature' acknowledged, and is it being addressed?

The start menu link for for the X server is owned by the package xinit. If you reinstall that package, it should be recreated.

I'm not sure what you are asking for here. If you were (for example) to delete /usr/bin/XWin.exe, are you expecting setup to reinstall that file, even though the package which owns it has no updates?

While setup has many, many infelicities, I'm not sure this is one of them.

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