On 10/21/2014 04:59 PM, t s wrote:
webpage;     http://cygwinports.org/

says to issue the command;
cygstart -- /path/to/setup-x86.exe -K  http://cygwinports.org/ports.gpg

so I issued;
cygstart -- e:/setup-x86_64.exe -K  http://cygwinports.org/ports.gpg

at first this command worked. Now it doesn't. It throws up an error
message "unable to get setup.ini from http://cygwinports.org/ports.gpg";

help, please?                                   

Looks like it's a temporary glitch, as it works fine for me when I tried
it just now.

Two other things to note though:

1. cygwinports.org is not cygwin.com so asking questions about it on
   cygwin.com mailing lists is really off-topic.  cygwinports.org has its
   own mailing list if you have further questions about the packages and
   services it provides.

2. This list is reserved for Cygwin-X-specific issues.  So if you have
   questions in the future related to Cygwin-X, this is the right mailing
   list.  Otherwise, if it's a more general Cygwin issue, the main list
   (cygwin at cygwin dot com) is the right place.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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