On 04/12/2014 02:53, l.w...@surrey.ac.uk wrote:
working again.

my mistake was in years of using

startx -- -multiwindow -clipboard &

because /usr/bin/startx no longer starts x

I'm kind of surprised this used to work at all, since this is requesting both the internal multiwindow mode window manager, and whatever default window manager xinitrc decides to run.

Sorry about breaking that.

If you want a multiwindow mode session, the documented way to start it would be using startxwin, or the Start Menu link we provide to run that (See [1])

-clipboard has been the default for a number of years now, you don't need to explicitly provide it.

Once I switched to

xinit -- -multiwindow -clipboard &

I was fine.

Remember that startx doesn't startx, on either 32- or 64-bit cygwin
(I did a fresh 32-bit install and checked) and you're good to go.

I think that you will find that running 'startx' without options does work.

While I'm sure sarcasm is very relieving for you, please don't use it here.

[1] http://x.cygwin.com/docs/ug/using.html#using-starting-exe

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