
I cannot get setup.exe to permit multiple selection of mirrors, so how is 
this magical seamless multi-mirror integration achieved? Can it be done 
without running setup.exe more than once? If not, what's the advantage over 
separate download and install?

Furthermore, why doesn't the multi-mirror technique, however effected, work 
for separated download and install, too?

Lastly, am I correct in believing that if one wants to download anything 
but not install it (source, e.g., or packages used by some at one's site 
but not by all) that separate download and install is the only way to 
accomplish this?

It still seems to me that control freaks are going to do as I do: Separate 
download and install.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 07:47 2002-03-01, Charles Wilson wrote:
>Randall R Schulz wrote:
>>I don't understand this. You get maximum flexibility by separate 
>>"Download from Internet" and "Install from Local Directory" operations. 
>>That way you can download sources and have them at hand without 
>>unconditionally installing them.
>>By copying my local installation cache to a CD, I can save others very 
>>large downloads. I cannot see this as a loss of functionality.
>>Can you tell me some functionality only available when one uses "Install 
>>from Internet?"
>Sure:  merging multiple "mirrors" into a seamless single-view 
>installation.  (Or, merging an official mirror site + "Bob's archive of 
>cool cygwin packages" + "My company's local cygwin ports" into a single, 
>always-up-to-date single seamless installation).  Sure, you could manually 
>download the packages you are interested in from all 27 sites, merge them 
>into a single local repo, and then do 'install-from-local' -- but setup's 
>"extra functionality" automatically handles that stuff for you -- just 

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