
thanks for having a look at this topic.

> I don't think there's a problem here, actually.
> I occasionally get these diagnostics, too, but there's never a problem 
> extracting the files from the archive. Apparently tar knows it's seen 
> the last TOC entry and closes the pipe from the gunzip sub-process. Then 
> it waits for that process to exit. Since gunzip doesn't explicitly 
> handle SIGPIPE and terminate gracefully, its death at the hand of the 
> SIGPIPE is reported to tar and tar then dutifully reports it to you.
> I retrieved your test file and got the same result as you. Aside from 
> the diagnostic, which I got for this file and get for others sometimes, 
> I've had no trouble with tar.

Hmmm, I just don't like (false) error messages :-), but you are right 
tar works correctly. I was just wondering about the error on NT and not 
on other systems.

> I can't tell for sure if "a/error.txt" was retrieved accurately, so 
> here's the checksum for that file as extracted on my system:
> % sum a/error.txt
> 28232     9

Yes it's the checksum of the original file.

> However, by using tar's "-i" option:
> -i, --ignore-zeros             ignore zeroed blocks in archive (means EOF)
> the error was suppressed. I'm guessing it forces tar to read all the 
> data in the uncompressed input file instead of quitting early.

Thanks for this hint.


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