Hi Igor,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Kris,
> It looks like your Cygwin cvs sends a carriage return as part of the
> directory name.  Seems to me that your CVS/Root and CVS/Repository files
> are opened in text mode.  See if you've changed the mount structure (i.e.
> mounted something in binary mode that was previously mounted as text).

yes! that was it. I didn't spot the CR.

I've mounted d:\ as /home as text.  However, for some reason HOME is set to
/cygdrive/d/kris, which is mounted as binary. And there it goes wrong. If I
cd to /home/kris/mymodule, everything works fine.

It appears now that I have /cygdrive/d/kris as my home directory in my old
/etc/passwd. Maybe it would be a good thing to remember people to update
their /etc/passwd after upgrading cygwin?

> Also, since you've compiled cvs yourself, did you link it against
> automode.o?  You may need to relink cvs to get it working.

I didn't do anything special to compile CVS, just "configure;make;make
install". As it's working properly now, it doesn't look like I need to do
anything specific.
(Not that I know what automode.o is).

Many thanks for the (very fast!) help!

All the best


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