On 2010-04-22 01:37, Sivaram Neelakantan wrote:
"Larry Hall (Cygwin)"<reply-to-list-only...@cygwin.com>  writes:
On 4/21/2010 11:17 PM, Sivaram Neelakantan wrote:
'cygcheck montage' and 'cygcheck convert' should tell you the missing DLLs.
Then use<http://cygwin.com/packages/>  or 'cygcheck -p /bin/foo.dll' to
find the package to install.  If I had to guess, I'd say you're looking
for the libImagemagick1 package if you're just missing the ImageMagick-
specific DLLs.

Thanks, that worked.

It gave me cyggomp-1.dll as not found.  I got that and the
libImagemagick1 library through the setup from the repository and all
is well now.
I've been having the same problem. And while I'm sure that would fix my problem too, this must mean that there is a dependency error for the ImageMagick tools.

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