Looks like I posted too soon.
I can run SOME Cygwin/gcc programs up to 2.83GB with the changes I mentioned in my first post 
(yesterday), but not ALL programs (and not anything useful...).  The problem seems to be with 
Cygwin's implementation of disk access functions like fscanf() and fgets().  The following code as 
written here and compiled under gcc/Cygwin (with the gcc line commented out at the top) WILL run up 
to 2.83GB image size.  However, if the fscanf() line is uncommented the resulting program dies just 
above a 2GB image size with the error "*** fatal error - cmalloc would have returned 
NULL".  The file tmp contains "hello.\n".  If the program is compiled with fscanf() 
uncommented using cl (Visual Studio C++ compiler - the 2nd compile line commented out below) the 
program will run up to 2.83GB before it runs out of memory.  fgets() has the same effect as 
fscanf().  I'm using Task Manager Mem Usage column to watch the memory grow.

I also tested fprintf(stdout,...) strlen() sscanf() calloc() sprintf() fopen() 
fabs() fclose() strtok() strcmp() strdup() strspn() and free() all of which 
work fine up to 2.83GB.

My conclusion is that there's something in Cygwin's implementation of disk 
access functions (fscanf(), fgets(), ...?) that stops working when the process 
image size goes over 2GB.  Since the /3GB switch enables user pointers above 
7FFFFFFF my guess would be something like assumptions made about the most 
significant pointer bit.


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// to compile : gcc -g -Wall -Wpadded -Wl,--large-address-aware -o 
memory_eater2.x memory_eater2.c
// to compile : cl memory_eater2.c winmm.lib /link /largeaddressaware

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
 FILE *f;
 char *buf;
 long c = 0;

 while (1 != 2) {
if ((buf = (char *) calloc(24,sizeof(char))) == NULL) {
     fprintf(stderr,"Problem in %s line %d allocating 


   if ((c % 5000) == 0) {

     if ((f = fopen("./tmp","r")) == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Problem in %s line %d opening input 

     // fscanf(f,"%s",buf);






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