On 2010-08-26 07:26, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
I have another one:

   $ for F in /dev/s* ; do echo "$F    $(cygpath -w $F)" ; done
   /dev/sda    \\.\PhysicalDrive0
   /dev/sda2    \\.\Volume{781f8bda-7d0d-11de-8012-806e6f6e6963}
   /dev/sda3    \\.\D:

but there are two problems.

Up to the current Cygwin 1.7.6 the info from /proc/partitions is
incomplete for non-privileged users.  I just checked in a patch to
Cygwin which allows the full partition info also for non-priv'ed users.

Apart from that, the output of cygpath -w for devices isn't overly
helpful yet.  I look into improving that a bit.


When I run "echo /dev/s*", I only get "/dev/shm /dev/stderr /dev/stdin /dev/stdout", how/why is yours showing the drive devices?

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