On 2010-09-01 04:00, Harie Ram wrote:
The issue that I am currently facing is : the modify permissions given
to the INSTALLDIR "C:\Cygwin" using the msi lock permission table is
being inherited through all the subfolders and files. Any new manually
created folders and files anywhere within C:\Cygwin via Windows
explorer or via the Cygwin Bash Shell are inheriting permissions. But
any new installations done by the user by choosing a package from the
Cygwin list are not inheriting the permissions. The installed user who
installs the package has full permissions to delete/modify the folder
and its contents . But the local admin/administrator/system does not
have permissions. It gives an access denied error. These 3 user groups
administrators/system/users are not even being listed in the security
properties of those installed folders.

AFAIK, Cygwin uses POSIX style file permissions, which do not support any type of inherited file permissions.

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