On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Christopher Faylor wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 03:17:11PM +1300, Ross Smith wrote:
> >If you take any command-line program that writes to stdout -- plain old
> >"hello world" will do fine -- compile it with gcc, and run it several
> >times with >> somefile, then you get a file containing several copies
> >of "hello world", as you'd expect. But if you compile it with Visual
> >C++ instead, then instead of appending to the file, it just overwrites
> >the beginning of the file every time.
> Should be fixed in cvs.  I'm generating a snapshot.
> The problem was caused by this change from Pavel Tsekov:
> http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin-cvs/2002-q3/msg00064.html
> I had a nagging feeling that this was a problem when it was checked in.
> My fix still keeps this patch but it resets file pointers before execing
> a new process.  That seems to work.

I should have been more careful. My mistake is that I didn't understand
why the file pointer should be moved on open () back then. Removing this
code fixed an "obivious" bug and seemed reasonable. Now as I looked at
the code you've checked in dtable.cc, everything seems clear.

Sorry :(

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