
I'm running the latest production Cygwin stuff, and I'm getting an error like this in some perl code.
Running on Windows7, 64-bit, fully patched and up to date.

Any ideas?

Regards, Noel Grandin

C:/cygwin/bin/perl packconfig.pl -i C:/LibreOffice/libo/solver/wntmsci12.pro/xml/uiconfig -o ../wntmsci12.pro/bin/uiconfig.zip
packconfig: ../wntmsci12.pro/bin/uiconfig.zip up to date. nothing to do.
0 [main] perl 488 child_info_fork::abort: can't commit memory for stack 0x88B000(86016), Win32 error 487 0 [main] perl 3604 child_info_fork::abort: can't commit memory for stack 0x88B000(86016), Win32 error 487

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